Policy on reference letters

First you need to decide if I would be a useful reference. Can I speak with detail about your accomplishments in my course(s)? Can I clearly link these accomplishments to whatever preparation would make you successful in the program to which you are applying? Did you routinely litigate grades on your assignments? Did you rely excessively on office hours/feedback on drafts to arrive at points you might have gotten by doing reading, participating in class, and/or asking questions in class? I might be a good reference if the answers are yes, yes, no, and no.

Having answered those questions, I will need a few things from you:

  1. Your transcript.
  2. Your resume.
  3. Short statement of what in your resume you think I should consider when writing.
  4. List of courses you took with me.
  5. Short statement of why you think you did well in that/those course(s).
  6. Graded copies of your strongest work from those courses.

Then I need about a month to think about, write, and revise your letter.