My interests straddle the fields of American and Comparative Politics.* This can be frustrating for those who prioritize self-identification as one who does either but not both. So I am borrowing** the term Ameriparativist — a portmanteau of “Americanist” and “comparativist” — and using this post to explain what I think it is.
First, an Ameriparativist is sensitive to factors that very much do make the United States unique. (Otherwise they might be called a comparative-Americanist.) These things are perhaps best discussed in small groups.
Update of September 4: here is an early statement of my views.
Second, an Ameriparativist draws on concepts and models from the field of comparative politics to explain what is happening in the United States.
Third, an Ameriparativist makes good-faith effort to learn and use concepts from the field of American politics. Or they start from the other direction, possibly for reasons suggested in point one.
Fourth, an Ameriparativist probably uses models developed by Americanists, or at least those widely thought to be (have been?) Americanists. More on that next.
Fifth, an Ameriparativist might be a throwback in some ways. Their analysis might be reminiscent of the early-to-mid Cold War period, when the silos were starting to go up. Or it might evoke memories of even earlier times, when the split between formalism and behavioralism was emerging.
Sixth, an Ameriparativist is problem-driven. They do not become what they are just to be a pain in the neck. They do it because they think they need tools from both sides of the divide.
Seventh, Ameriparativists are all over the place. You probably just don’t see that many because, to do so, you need to read their articles and textbooks closely.
I think there should be a hashtag: #Ameriparativist.
What am I getting wrong? Feel free to unload in the comments (politely).
*Mainly because some stuff that’s not actually foreign ended up getting called “comparative.”
**I think Mike Latner first used this term.
The field of study should be #Americomp so a practitioner would be what? #Americompist, perhaps?
Anyway, I like the idea. I guess I qualify in the second sense. Not sure about the others, but I guess I at least tried on the third.